Digital Lens-less Holographic Microscopy is a plugin developed to work on the well-known software for image processing ImageJ. This plugin enables the numerical simulation and reconstruction of digitally recorded holograms of digital lens-less holographic microscopy. The plugin can be used for teaching and research purposes.

If you are using the plugin and find a bug, please contact us.


The installation process is the standard for any ImageJ plugin, download the ".rar" file that includes the needed libraries and extract its contents under the imagej/plugins folder. Please make sure you are running ImageJ 1.48s or superior.


Current release


Third release

Second release

Current release


What's new? Obviously, LESS BUGS!


Version 1.2, 2021/01

  • Now it is possible to reconstruct non-square images.
  • A single step phase recover algorithm was implemented for the reconstruction process with hologram and reference.
  • The bugs in the calculation of the contrast hologram through the numerical method and the moving averages were fixed.

Version 1.0, 2017/04

  • Initial release.


The DLHM plugin is composed of 2 different modules, below we will show how to use each of them through a practical example. We are going to generate a diatom algae hologram in the simulation module and later we are going to use the reconstruction module to recover the original information.

All input/output raw image files presented in the folowing examples can be downloaded here.

DLHM simulation of a diatom algae.

(Top-left) Input amplitude image. (Top-right) Simulation parameters. (Bottom-left) Modeled hologram. (Bottom-right) Modeled reference.

DLHM reconstruction of the previously modeled diatom algae hologram.

(Left) Reconstruction parameters. (Right) Reconstructed hologram.

Study of lateral resolution in DLHM.

Two-stops simulated holograms and subsequent reconstructions for numerical apertures (NA) of 0.16, 0.27 and 0.44. Input amplitude to simulate two stops of 500nm separated 1.9um. Simulation and reconstruction parameters for NA = 0.16.

(Top-left) Zoom-in input amplitude image. (Top-right) Simulation parameters. (Bottom) Reconstruction parameters.

Results of the lateral resolution study for DLHM.

Simulation of DLHM holograms (left) and their intensity reconstructions (center) for a sample with a separation S = 1.9μm between circular stops. For the yellow line in the intensity reconstruction, a profile line has been plotted (right). DLHM setups of 0.16 NA panel (a), 0.27 NA panel (b) and 0.44 NA panel (c) have been modeled.

Reconstruction of an experimental DLHM hologram of one-microrganism.

(Top-left) Experimental DLHM hologram of one microorganism. (Top-right) Experimental DLHM reference hologram. (Bottom-left) Reconstruction parameters. (Bottom-right) Intensity reconstruction.

Reconstruction of an experimental DLHM hologram of four microrganisms.

(Top-left) Experimental DLHM hologram of four microorganisms. (Top-right) Experimental DLHM reference hologram. (Bottom-left) Reconstruction parameters. (Bottom-right) Intensity reconstruction.

Reconstruction of an experimental DLHM hologram of the section of a drosophila melanogaster fly's head.

(Top-left) Experimental DLHM hologram of drosophila melanogaster fly. (Top-right) Experimental DLHM reference hologram. (Bottom-left) Reconstruction parameters. (Bottom-right) Intensity reconstruction.


DLHM uses JDiffraction, JTransforms and the icons provided by the Silk icon set.


You can reference Digital Lensless Holographic Microscopy using the following works:

  1. Carlos Trujillo, Pablo Piedrahita-Quintero, and Jorge Garcia-Sucerquia, "Digital lensless holographic microscopy: numerical simulation and reconstruction with ImageJ," Appl. Opt. 59, 5788-5795 (2020).
  2. J. García-Sucerquia, C. Trujillo and J. F. Restrepo, "MICROSCOPIO, HOLOGRÁFICO SIN LENTES (MHDSL) Y MÉTODO PARA VISUALIZAR MUESTRAS," U.S. patent 7620179 (2018).

